Tagged with Christmas marriage

Depression is a Parasite…a Thief.

Depression is a Parasite…a Thief.

Parasites show up uninvited. Often we don’t even know they have arrived, that is, until they have stolen our energy or made us ill. When my brother and I were children we often spend time in our grandparent’s woods. After a day of trekking through the forest my mother would take a comb and look … Continue reading

Anniversary Trip Post 2

Anniversary Trip Post 2

Welcome! This post is a continuation of Anniversary Trip–photos taken during my husband and I’s 2oth anniversary trip–Christmas Anniversary. The following photos were taken in Charleston, South Carolina.   The following photos were taken at Boone Hall Plantation. Count blessings, Kasey

Anniversary Trip

Anniversary Trip

On December 18 my husband and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. We went to Asheville, North Carolina and toured George and Edith Vanderbilt’s large estate. Then we traveled to Charleston, South Carolina. It was a glorious trip, weather was 70 plus, food delicious, and historical sites were both fascinating and beautiful. Thought I would share … Continue reading

Married Times Two…On Christmas Eve

Married Times Two…On Christmas Eve

This post is in honor of my parent’s 48th wedding anniversary.  Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!  I’m thankful that the Lord has blessed me with both of you.    They meet in their 8th grade history class.  Mom wasn’t immediately smitten, but Dad quickly won her over.  When the teacher would call on her to answer a … Continue reading

Married on Christmas Eve…Times Two

Married on Christmas Eve…Times Two

This post is in honor of my parent’s 47th wedding anniversary.  Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!  I’m thankful that the Lord has blessed me with both of you.    They meet in their 8th grade history class.  Mom wasn’t immediately smitten, but Dad quickly won her over.  When the teacher would call on her to answer a … Continue reading