Sometimes You Just Have To Walk Away

I’ve been silent for most of winter…sometimes you just have to walk away.

Winter rushed in roaring like a lion…harsh and bitter…seasons take time and only God can bring spring.

It’s hard to write beneath piles of frosted-white, frigid and cold, and yet, the keyboard calls…but one cannot produce in frozen ground.IMG_8537a

Days grew short…but my trials grew long. Depression added another layer of white…its claws sinking deep. The pressures of life beat hard against my family…it can all feel so dark and without hope.

One feels frozen…trapped solid in ice–unmovable, unable to escape, and escape is ones first line of defense. Caught in the snare of despair…circumstances feel hopeless. No way out…now way forward…a victim…hoodwinked by the evil one.

Planting one’s flag in despondency and discouragement is not where our Savior longs for us to stay. But there is a season for everything.

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1.

…a time to heal

…a time to tear down

…a time to build up

…a time to cry

…a time to laugh

…a time to grieve

…a time to dance

…a time to embrace

…a time to turn away

…a time to search

…a time to quit searching

…a time to keep

…a time to throw away

…a time to be quiet

…and a time to speak

Although escape may feel like the only sensible thing to do, I assure you it is not. Our difficulties only go away when we face them head-on. If we run they will follow and plague us a new day.

Sometimes God ask us to sit right where we are (in the cold) and wait.

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31.

It is often in the dark–seemingly impossible circumstance–frozen places that God chooses to teach us humility, perseverance, and opens our eyes to our own selfishness. He gives us strength to follow His Will even when we can’t see any redeeming purpose.

God has given us free will…we get to choose our attitudes and our actions. We must take responsibility for our choices, actions, and attitude; this is how integrity and character are developed. If we choose not to take responsibility for our choices, actions, and attitude…our character has already been decided.

Character often grows in dark places. We must choose to find light in the dark places.

During my season of winter…waiting…I clung to this verse…

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28.

God has given me a new verse for spring…

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9.

Before the winds of winter blew in I had shared several topics I planned to write about in the New Year; with spring on the horizon I plan to get back to writing about those topics and many more.

Blessings and grace, Kasey





40 thoughts on “Sometimes You Just Have To Walk Away

  1. Kasey, your honest words move me this evening. I understand those places in my own sense, of times gone by now and in the now as well.
    “Character often grows in dark places. We must choose to find light in the dark places.” Yes, we must seek Him in those dark places in order for our growth to be molded more and more into the image of Christ. I lift you up to the One Who loves us and knows us.
    Visiting from Beauty in His Grip.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda


    • Sweet Sister in Christ, Your words are a blessing to my heart. Thank you for your prayers…His Words, Truth, and Love have carried me through this winter. May spring brighten your path as well as the Father’s Love. Blessings and grace to you, Kasey


  2. Kasey, I am saying a little prayer for you today. Have a blessed Holy Week and Easter Sunday…….because nothing else really matters more than God and Our Risen Lord! Keep the faith, hang in there.

    And yes it snowed here day before yesterday. I too am so ready for spring, even though that’s not really what you meant. /blog sisterly comfort hugs


    • Ah Sweet Sister in Christ, Your prayers are so appreciated. Yes…what a picture of love our Risen Lord gave us when He willing went to the cross in our place. Have a blessed Easter! Thank you for stopping by and sharing an encouragement. Grace to you, Kasey


  3. Blessing and grace to you also. I think we’re all coming out of “hibernation” after this looooong winter, and I enjoyed reading your words that feel like spring might be on its way. New to Soli Deo Gloria, and found your post there.


    • Michele, So glad you stopped by. I am sooo ready to come out of “hibernation!” I’m looking forward to all the beauty of spring. Thank your for your encouraging words. May you have a blessed Easter. Grace to you, Kasey

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Your word ring so true. It has been what seemed like a long winter, but actually here in Ohio we have had worse in the past. I think the last two seemed worse for me because it had so many days below zero, and with retirement, I can understand your words about thinking there is no way out. I’ve had to cling to verses and my reading through the Bible that remind me it can always be worse and to appreciate what I have. I am bad, and always have been, at thinking the grass is greener on the other side, but with social media it rings true that in some areas others have it much worse than I. Glad to see you’re back posting. I haven’t posted in a while either, but mine is because the whole month of March has had our family down with this dreaded flu, but the Son/sun is shining again and we’re on the back side of that illness.


    • Sweet Peabea, I didn’t know you were from Ohio…me too. I reside close to Dayton. I’m sorry to hear you and your family has been battling the flu. I’ve heard its really bad this year. Ah, thank you for all your encouraging words…you words are always a blessing. Have a wonderful Easter! May the flowers of spring soon be upon us. Blessings, my friend, Kasey


      • Hi Kasey. So fun to know that you’re in Ohio too. Been here all my life. I’m North of Columbus. As I age, the cold gets me more, but as a youngster, I liked the changing seasons. Spring and Fall are my favorite anymore because Summer has been so humid the last few years. Thanks for replying. Have a Blessed Easter to you and your family also. ~hugs~


  5. Kasey, what a beautiful spring verse to bring hope in the frozen winter. I praise God for giving it to you. His words lay a path of hope and light. There’s certainly plenty in that verse.
    I’m nodding my head in agreement here –> “It is often in the dark–seemingly impossible circumstance–frozen places that God chooses to teach us humility, perseverance, and opens our eyes to our own selfishness.” Amen!
    Visiting today via #TestimonyTuesday


    • Kristi, God is always faithful to give us what we need. This winter God has revealed to me that I am not to have a spirit of fear, that I am to be brave and courageous. Fear is a battle of always had to fight…especially fear of man, but God used this winter to show me he know longer wants me to live in the darkness of fear. What a mighty and great God we serve. Thank you much for your kind words. Grace to you, Kasey


  6. There is a season for everything! I struggle with depression also. Sometimes I feel like I crawl from under this heavy layer of darkness and see the light for the first time. And tell myself, this is happiness, this is how I want to live, I never want to go back to that dark place again.
    But the truth is that it was only a valley and I saw a little bit of the sky and then my path takes me to the darkness again. Many times it’s too dark to see but His hand is always there to guide me and I can always trust that He will be there for me.


    • Joanna, My heart goes out to you. Depression is a thief it not only robs us but those we love. I’ve battled this monster for most of my adult life and I understand how painful this disease can be. If you haven’t looked into medical help I would encourage you to do so. There are medications that can help one to feel much better. Winter is always the worst time for those of us who suffer from depression…not enough sunlight. You are in my prayers and hope that you will be feeling much better soon. Blessings to you, Kasey


  7. Glad you are back to your blog, sharing the words of encouragement God has given to you. I like your comparison of winter and seasons of discouragement in our lives. I am always ready for Spring, but God has a purpose for winter and for our waiting. Thanks for sharing.


    • Karen, God has been revealing His purposes to me and He has given me Joshua 1:9 to cling to. Spring is always like a new beginning…a time to start over and renew my strength…a time of hope. Thank you for your encouraging words. Blessings and grace, Kasey


    • Donna, It’s not always easy to find light in the dark places, but if we keep our eyes on Jesus it will appear. Have a blessed week. Thanks for stopping by. Blessings, Kasey


  8. I’ve been thinking about seasons a lot lately. Seasons in friendship, spiritual seasons, seasons with my kids, the anticipation of seasons. Your post really resonated with me today. Thanks for linking up at #ThreeWordWednesday.


  9. Lately I seem to be somewhat of an emotional wreck not being able to control how deeply things are affecting me. I have failed more times than I care to remember but I’m still working on it. Praying that with every effort I move one step closer to Christ. Thanks for your beautiful words.


    • It’s easy to grow weary when trials go long…but God knows our heart and will see us through even the most difficult of circumstances. Our emotions don’t always cooperate…but God will extend us grace…we just have to keep praying for His strength, presence, and love to help us move into spring. God can redeem even the harshest of winters. Please don’t be to hard on yourself…sometimes we just need to extend grace to ourselves. So glad you dropped by! Have a blessed Easter. Grace and love to you, Kasey


    • Sweet Sister in Christ, It’s not easy to go from trial to trail…but you are sooooo right God has a plan for every season of our lives. We must not loose hope. We also need to remember to give ourselves grace and rest during times of great difficulties. Often it’s in our trials that others get to see how brightly God’s glory shines. Glad you dropped by. Be encouraged, God can redeem all circumstances. Sending grace and love to you, Kasey


  10. It was a long winter, wasn’t it? But spring is poking her head up through the earth and once again we are reminded how God designed us for seasons. Much love as your heart quickens to the awakening of spring!


    • Laura, Winter can be harsh…but God always brings spring to renew, refresh, and rejuvenate each of us for the seasons ahead. So glad you stopped by! Thank you for leaving an encouragement. Have a blessed Easter! Grace and peace, Kasey


  11. I am in a quiet season right now and your post touched me. God has taken me through many season and always brings me back to the truth He is in all of them. Age wise I am in my winter season, learning to live with the limitation aging brings. I must tell you I don’t like this season because of health issue but it’s necessary and thank God needful. In our older years we have much to give to those still in early spring or summer, wisdom gained through each season that makes winter beautiful at times. This much I know, He is in every day of our lives, just waiting for us to turn to Him and thank Him for whatever season we are in. Happy Easter


    • Betty, Thank you for your precious words. It’s not easy to endure health issues but…yes it is often in our trials that God’s light shines the brightest. He’s always busy refining our rough edges. And…yes…he is in everyday of our lives, just waiting for us to turn to Him and thank Him in whatever season we are in. He’s always present helping to guide us through every season. So glad you stopped by. Thank you for your wise words. Have a blessed Easter. Grace and peace to you, Kasey


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