Five Minute Friday – Visit


Hooking up with Five Minute Friday. You write for five minutes, unedited about one word. Today’s word is visit.


Have you ever wanted to visit “me, myself, and I”? When the world seems to be far too busy, far too demanding, and far to challenging–a reprieve from the demands of life where we can take a moment to breathe, to ponder, and to regroup?

A time to drink in the quiet that recharges and re-energizes our soul. All of us need rest–down time. It’s not reward for works accomplished rather it’s part of being human.

The world we live in is busy, noisy, and  exhausting. There are times when we need to step off the hamster wheel and spend sometime with a good friend (ourselves). It can be just the break we need to recharge our batteries and step back into life a happier, kinder, and more loving person.

Grab a cup of tea, quiet, and yourself and give yourself the gift of you.

Blessings, Kasey

6 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday – Visit

  1. I’ve been feeling like i need more time dedicated to myself. Being a wife, and Mommy to two young children, I often feel I put myself last. Thanks for your post.


  2. This is so timely. We are having one of those rare freezing days in South Texas. I’m all finished with the “need to’s” and I’m going to pull out an old favorite movie, make a cup of tea and take a couple of hours for me. I find my soul really does need that every once in a while.
    So nice to meet you Kasey. I’ve come to visit from Lisa Jo’s.


    • That sounds like a wonderful idea. Sometimes it’s necessary to spend some time alone to recharge. The busyness of this world can often drain the life from us, if we don’t. Thanks for stopping by. Have a blessed day, Kasey


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