Tagged with planS

Fear’s Icy Fingers

Fear’s Icy Fingers

When the icy fingers of fear wrap tightly around our hearts and begin to squeeze we become frozen…captive…paralyzed unable to move forward–stunting our growth and keeping us from reaching our potential. There’s an unlimited supply of things human’s fear–spiders, heights, change, rejection, confrontation, other people’s opinions, and the list goes on. I think it’s safe … Continue reading

If Gathering…What I Learned.

If Gathering…What I Learned.

Welcome…so glad you stopped by. The following post is about the If Gathering Conference…for women, however, if you are a man stopping by I hope you will continue to read–I will be sharing what the Lord revealed to me through this event and believe you too will be blessed. God’s breathe blew into Austin, Texas … Continue reading



Hooking up with Five Minute Friday. Write unedited for five minutes on one word. Today’s word is fight. Fight Does everything have to be a fight? We fight to get up in the morning. Fight to keep the house cleaned, laundry folded, food prepared, and bills paid. We fight to spend time with our loved … Continue reading

Happy New Years 2014

Happy New Years 2014

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” Benjamin Franklin. I’m a planner by nature and I’ve often quoted this verse, however, as we start a new year and begin making our plans I believe it’s prudent that I add a caution.  All these plans (goals) that we enthusiastly begin to schedule will quickly … Continue reading

Number Our Days

Number Our Days

Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. James 4:14. So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12. For those of us who live in … Continue reading