Tagged with injustice

Collecting Hope

Collecting Hope

The earth was once a paradise where peace and harmony reigned; a place where man and God walked in perfect communion. Man was created to be dependent upon God as a loving Father. When God’s children choose to seek independence, unity was lost, a division was placed between man and God. Sin invaded paradise–tainted man … Continue reading

Need To Be Rescued

Need To Be Rescued

Eve plucked that fruit from that limb, slipped it ever so slowly into her mouth, and took that faithful bite…paradise was lost! Sin slithered into her soul and made its home within. Every generation thereafter was destined to inherited her sin nature. The ugliness of sin poured onto the earth and tainted all beneath its … Continue reading

Power Of The Tongue

Power Of The Tongue

Words are powerful. Used for good they can bring change to a hurting world. Used without thought or care or with intent to wound, they can leave scars that may last a lifetime. James warns us how untamable is the tongue. But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of … Continue reading

27 Million Stones

27 Million Stones

Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17 I have a voice and want to use it to speak for those who are powerless and unable to speak for themselves. Our world is filled with people in desparate need of our help–broken, crushed, abused, … Continue reading