Five Minute Friday – Rest

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.  Matthew 11:28-30.


Linking up with Five Minute Friday – writing for five minutes on the topic REST.

For me rest came when I turned off the highway of life unto the back roads, country roads, the less traveled roads.  The view is much different.  The world doesn’t go by in a blur, in a frenzy, but rather at a pace that allows for beauty, REST.  Meandering creeks, barns reaching up to heaven, and hillsides blanked in snow; replaced cars, trucks, and semi’s racing past.

I had to say no to good activities for the best ones.  I no longer sit in the bleachers and cheer for my children, I take walks with them, learning whats on their hearts and mind.  I have time to be fully present, instead of frazzled and stressed.

God made this all possible.  He said SLOW!  I said NO! He said SLOW!  I said NO, NO, NO!  He said SLOW! And reluctantly, I said YES!  The world may pass me by.  But I would rather obey my God, hear is Wonderful Voice, and enjoy every moment with my husband and children.

Rest has brought me closer to my loving Savior and those I care for the most.

Rest dear friend!

Count blessings, Kasey Five Minute Friday

3 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday – Rest

  1. Oh dear one rest does come when we say yes! I needed that reminder. I too struggle to discover the best and leave the rest. 🙂 So glad you are taking walks and enjoying the time with your children. It’s so short. I can’t believe how fast they grow! I LOVE that picture.


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